Abstract Submission

Scholars are invited to submit an extended abstract of approximately 500-2000 characters (spaces included) and at most five references.

In order to help us in producing a uniform e-book of abstracts, we kindly ask you to submit the abstract in .tex format (preferred) or .docx, using the template available in the following folder:

GCM14 Abstract Template

Recall that required information includes: title, speaker, coauthors, affiliation (for each author). Deadline for submission is April 22, 2024.

Please, send the abstract by email at the following address : gcm14abstract@comatpisa.it

Delegates needing a visa to come to Italy should have a look at this page.
Pay attention that it takes a long time to get a visa. If an invitation letter is needed, please contact the local organizers as soon as possible.

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